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KOM Quiz of the Year 2023


Dear All, Happy Blogmanay,

We hope that you have had a great Christmas break and that you have a very Happy New Year.

This is our final newsletter of 2024 and for something different we thought we'd try an end-of-year quiz. In our last newsletter we covered our new brake pads. (And we won't mention them again until the end of this newsletter.) However, we remain with the Winter Brakes theme. We'll mix Christmas and brakes questions in with the newsletter and see where it takes us.

You can work out what the scores mean later but if you answer all of these questions correctly then it does make you some sort of bike tech ninja (or nerd?) So, it might be safest to get a few answers wrong to rescue you from that fate.

To make it easier we'll make it multiple choice. Just choose which you think is the best answer and note it down.

A disclaimer. There are no quiz professionals here. Some of these answers could be a bit subjective. The quiz is just a bit of fun but if you want to get a pen and paper and get more serious with the maths, please feel free to check our workings. There are only thirteen questions (unlucky for some) but it should not take you long. The quiz is open to anybody and the first to email all correct answers to will win a set of brake pads to fit your bike.

Sorry guys but to do the quiz you will need to download and open this PDF of the quiz below. The formatting from the end of year newsletter seems to have caused a few issues. Have fun and good luck in the quiz but, more importantly have fun and good luck for all of 2024.

BTW, If you or friends would like to be informed when the next blog comes out or to receive our newsletter (once or twice a month at most) or both then please sign up here (or below) and you'll be the first to know. (You can of course unsubscribe at any time.)



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